Please select from the following research groups or faculty:
- Network Security Laboratory
- Intrusion Detection Systems Laboratory
- Steven Bellovin
- Cryptography Laboratory
- Network Computing Laboratory
- Distributed Network Analysis Research Group
- Internet Real-Time Laboratory
- Affiliated Researchers and Adjunct Professors
- Alumni
Network Security Laboratory
- Angelos Keromytis
PhD Students
- Mansoor Alicherry
- Brian Bowen
- Matthew Burnside
- Sambuddho Chakravarty
- Kangkook Jee
- Vasileios Kemerlis
- Vasilis Pappas
- Carlos-Rene Perez
- Binh Vo
- Angelika Zavou
Intrusion Detection Systems Laboratory
- Sal Stolfo
PhD Students
- Malek Ben Salem
- Nathaniel Boggs
- Brian M. Bowen
- Ang Cui
- Yingbo Song
Steven Bellovin
PhD Students
Cryptography Laboratory
- Tal Malkin
PhD Students
- Dana Dachman-Soled
- Seung Geol Choi
- Ariel Elbaz
- Homin Lee
- Mariana Raykova
- Li-Yang Tan
- Andrew Wan
Network Computing Laboratory
- Jason Nieh
PhD Students
- Ricardo Baratto
- Oren Laadan
- Dan Phung
- Shaya Potter
- Alex Sherman
- Dinesh Subhraveti
- Nicolas Viennot
- Haoqiang Zheng
- Michael Hines
Distributed Network Analysis Research Group
- Vishal Misra
- Dan Rubenstein
PhD Students
- Eli Brosh
- Kyung Wook Hwang
- Tianbai Ma
- Abishek Sainath Madduri
- Joshua Reich
Internet Real-Time Laboratory
- Henning Schulzrinne
PhD Students
- Salman Abdul Baset
- Omer Boyaci
- Se Gi Hong
- Jong Yul Kim
- Kyung Hwa Kim
- Jae Woo Lee
- Arezu Moghadam
- Kumiko Ono
- Charles Qi Shen
- Sangho Shin
- Wonsang Song
- Suman R Srinivasan
- Andrea G. Forte